Sunday, March 28, 2010


It has been quite some time since I've posted...I apologize. ( I do, after all, have ONE whole follower..I'm sure I've been disappointing them.)

At any rate, I guess I just became extremely discouraged after meeting with my surgeon and basically lost all motivation to keep up with this blog.

It didn't go well, to say the least. I had an entire list of questions to ask him about the surgery, so I could be informed and ready for all ahead of me. Well, it didn't even get far enough for me to ask a single question on the list.

It was the same situation that happened when I mentioned surgery to my GI specialist. He acted like I was a crazy person for even considering this surgery as young as I was. He was telling me all the negatives ( that I already knew, thanks to my extensive research ) as though he was trying to scare me out of the surgery. My mom started crying. She was so upset that he wasn't going to even consider the surgery. She hates seeing me in pain, and is afraid that I'm going to get extremely ill again like before. I was just stunned. I didn't say half the things I would have loved to say; I knew it would have been pointless anyway. I believe fairly close to his exact words were "You're not going to scare me into performing a surgery that I don't want to perform." Meaning I could threaten to go to another surgeon, etc. but I wasn't going to change his mind, which I think was made up almost immediately.

It infuriates me that I, weighing just over 110lbs could walk into a plastic surgeons office and say that I wanted to have liposuction, and they would do it, no problems; but I can't walk into this surgeons office wanting to have a diseased organ removed to stop my chronic illness, without being shot down almost immediately.

Absolutely ridiculous.

I will be updating more often, as I think it's nice to have a journal of how I'm doing with this disease.
Expect another post tomorrow...