Tuesday, July 14, 2009

i just don't understand...

With almost all jobs in the world, the person employed does not get paid unless they fully complete their job to the satisfaction of their clients, customers, etc.

Can someone please tell me then, why the FUCK my doctor keeps getting to take all my money when he can't actually make me better? You know what, he doesn't even have to cure me, I realize that isn't under his control (whether or not a disease is cureable) but the motherfucker can't even find a medicine to make me better. On top of that, whenever I go into his office he tries to pry for reasons that would be my own fault why my UC isn't going into remission.

"Have you been taking your medicine?"
*sigh* "Yes, every single day since you've prescribed it."
"Wow, are you sure? You haven't missed a single day?"
"Oh...well maybe its *blah blah blah insert random excuse here*"

It's so frustrating....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, my doctors were the same way. I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis back in 2004. All they ever did was prescribe meds but never really listened to a thing that I was telling them. It was so frustrating. They put me on meds to treat my symptoms but not to cure me. And then just said I would be on meds the rest of my life. It's a nice way to guarantee themselves a steady stream of income. Thankfully, I didn't listen to them and did my own research. Have you heard of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? After a few months of being on the diet, I was med free and symptom free and have been ever since. There is a book called "Breaking The Vicious Cycle" which explains the diet and how it works. Feel free to visit my blog at www.comfytummy.com for info on the book, the diet, and my journey on it. There are other options. All the best to you. :)
