Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Don't feel bad for me because I'm getting surgery.

There's something I really want to make clear with all of this. It seems to be a trend, when talking about my surgery, for people to tell me that they feel really sorry for me that I'm getting this surgery done, and they're sure that I'm worried, and upset about it...

I am worried, it's natural. I'm having a large, quite important organ removed from my body, and it's terrifying. That aside,

don't feel sorry for me because I'm getting surgery.

If you want to feel sorry for me (which, let me make clear, is not at all what I'm wanting or asking for) then feel sorry that I've had to live sick, with this terrible disease, for the last four years of my life.

This surgery is a GOOD thing.
a GREAT thing.

I'm getting this diseased organ out of my body. It doesn't belong, and frankly, I don't want it anymore.

It's five days until my surgery and though I am terrified, all I can think about is all the things I'm going to be able to do once it's over with. I'm going to have my life back. I'm going to be healthy. I'm not going to hurt every day of my life anymore.

So be happy for me. Be excited.
I know I am.

Of course, all thoughts/prayers are more than welcome. As I said, it is terrifying. I'm beyond scared. But the outcome will be worth it, I know.

Thanks to everyone who has been there for me the last 4 years, and helped me with this. And thanks to those who had no idea I was even sick, but are there for me now. <3

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